- 无用worthless
- 做的已经做了,后悔亦无用。What's done can't be helped; there is no use crying over split milk.
- 那些没有买保险的人现在后悔了。Those who have not bought insurance are now regretting.
- 雪莱对他的行为一点都不感到后悔。Shelley had no regrets for his actions.
- 那个老师拼命把一些无用的事实材料往孩子们的头脑里灌。That teacher works too hard trying to grind useless facts into the children.
- 她对所说的话不后悔。She had no remorse about what she had said.
- 不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。Don't clog up your memory with useless facts.
- 浅交致后悔。Short acquaintance brings repentance.
- 无用能unavailable energy
- 我后悔伤害了她的感情。I am regretful for hurting her feelings.
- 无用信息hash
- 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的。I believe you will regret leaving Paris.
- 衰老无用outlive one's usefluness
- 他不久便后悔他的鲁莽。He soon regretted his recklessness.
- 骗人买无用的东西gull a person into buying rubbish
- 他真后悔。He was real sorry.
- 我已卖掉一件无用的东西。I have sold a pup.
- 你总有一天要后悔的。You'll live to rue it.
- 不仅无用而且有害。It is useless, yea harmful.
- 他讲了一些粗话,对此非常后悔。He regretted very much having said something gross.