- 后座backseat
- 我坐在后座觉得不舒服。I was uncomfortable in the back seat.
- 他开门时把门把手拧了下来。He wrenched the knob off when he was trying to open the door.
- 你得扭动把手才能找开锁。You have to swivel the handle round before you can open the lock.
- 无后座力炮recoilless gun
- 他把大门的把手擦亮。He polished up the handle of the big front door.
- 这车的后座可坐3个人。Three people can sit in the back of this car.
- 她轻轻地转动把手。She twiddled the knob.
- 后座力recoil
- 震颤象咳嗽或说话时把手放在胸脯上所能明显感觉到的一种振动A palpable vibration,as felt by the hand placed on the chest during coughing or speaking.
- 无后座力步枪recoilless rifle
- 男孩将那把手粘在了杯子上。The boy glued the handle onto the cup.
- 后座力很大的步枪A rifle with a heavy kick.
- 斯布克和亚伦把手凹起来放在他的脚下把他举向第一个树枝上。Spook and Aaron cupped their hands under his foot and heaved him up to the first branch.
- 后座滑轨recoil slide rail
- 第一个瞎子碰巧把手放在象的一侧。The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant's side.
- 后座速度recoil velocity
- 球形把手断在她手里了。The knob broke off in her hand.
- 后座运动recoil movement
- 我转动门把手进到屋里。I turned the handle of the door and went inside.