- 后queen
- 多臂机,织机上控制绳线以织出小的几何图案的机械部件amechanical part in a loom that controls the harnesses so as to permit weaving of small geometric figures
- 后的posticus
- 转向节通过球头节与安装在车架上的上下控制臂相连。"The steering knuckle then supported through Ball joints, by upper and lower control arms which are attached to the car frame.
- 塞缪尔中学毕业后上了大学,在剑桥大学化学得第一名。Samuel went on the university after school and got a first in chemistry.
- 天后the Queen of heaven
- 控制臂衬套与悬吊架扣环Control Arm Bushing To Suspension Cradle Retainer
- 多臂机:织机上控制绳线以织出小的几何图案的机械部件.dobby:a mechanical part in a loom that controls the harnesses so as to permit weaving of small geometric figures.
- 鼻后上内侧支medial posterior superior nasal branches
- 汽车控制臂球头销铆接工艺Study of the RivettingTechniqueofAutomobileControl Arm Ball
- 梅奥医疗中心说建立起责任会帮助尿床者在意识上控制尿床。The mayo clinic says taking responsibility may help the bed-wetter feel a sense of control over the situation.
- 后上皮epithelium posterius
- 汽车控制臂挤压铸造工艺研究Control Arm of Automobile in Squeezing Casting
- 鼻后上外侧支lateral posterior superior nasal branches
- 经营管理在很大程度上控制着企业的命运。Management in large measure controls the fate of large corporations.
- 如转向转轴和上下控制臂,拆卸和更换轮彀和制动鼓等。Such as the steering idler and the upper and lower control arms; removal and replacement of springs; removal and replacement of wheel hub and drum; and so on.
- 后上的[医] posterosuperior
- 如何从设计上控制砌体结构墙体裂缝How to control split on brick structure wall as it is designed
- 同传统的钢结构相比,铝制双控制臂麦弗逊式悬挂结构前桥的重量减少了30%The aluminum double-joint spring strut front axle delivers weight savings of up to 30%25 compared to conventional steel construction.