- 同感sympathize with
- 即使身受酷刑,他也没向敌人屈服。He didn't give in to the enemy even under torture.
- 那个英勇的姑娘身受酷刑仍没有把秘密泄露给敌人。The heroic girl refused to give away the secret to the enemy under the cruel torture.
- 拒绝放弃原主张;在身受批评或攻击时而坚持自己意见。refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack.
- 有同感empathize
- 因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.
- 深有同感with fully same feeling
- 身受战争灾难、为着自己民族的生存而奋斗的每一个中国人,无日不在渴望战争的胜利。Every Chinese suffering from the disasters of the war and fighting for the survival of his nation daily yearns for victory.
- 我也有同感。I feel the same way.
- 跟着他反倒仿佛加倍警醒起来似的,象一个身受奴役而卑贱、形遭戕贼而短小的天神一样。He then seemed to be doublely awake, like an enslaved and dwarfed divinity.
- 我对他的意见深有同感。I have a lot of sympathy for his opinions.
- 跟着他反倒仿佛加倍警醒起来似的,象一个身受奴役而卑贱、形遭戕贼而短小的天神一样。He then seemed to be doubly awake, like an enslaved and dwarfed divinity.
- 我与你同感。I really feel for you.
- 怕在这些方面出什么差错,这可比命中注定要身受的艰苦,更叫我苦恼,虽说艰苦也并不是小事。The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot; though these were no trifles.
- 我和你有同感,他的演技简直好极了。I agree with you that his acting is simply marvelous.
- 同感反射consensual reflex
- 位于那广博的奥妙之中,我们并不真正拥有什么。而这让我们心感身受的竞争又是为何?在我们离开之前,依次,从同一扇门中经过?Inside the Great Mystery that is, we don't really own anything. What is this competition we feel then, before we go, one at a time, through the same gate?
- 同感效证consensual validation
- 同感眼[医] sympathizer
- 心有同感Feel The Same Way I Do