- 同情sympathy
- 同情的commiserative
- 病人容易疲劳。The patient fatigues easily.
- 我不同情乞丐。I have no sympathy for beggars.
- 他汽车上的零件可以经过几千英里的颠簸而不至于产生金属疲劳。Parts in his automobile take thousands of miles of punishment without becoming tired.
- 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue.
- 令人同情的touching
- 疲劳寿命endurance life
- 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。I feel a measure of compassion for her.
- 同情常会产生爱情。Compassion often engenders love.
- 他的健康状况因疲劳而恶化。His health is deteriorating from fatigue.
- 不疲劳的untired
- 可怜的引起或值得同情的Inspiring or deserving pity.
- 血液循环不良会引起人体疲劳。Bad circulation can cause tiredness.
- 同情地yearningly
- 那个奔跑的人因为极度疲劳倒下了The runner collapsed from exhaustion.
- 我同情那些生活在众目睽睽之下的名人。I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the full glare of publicity.
- 人们疲劳时更容易出差错。People are more prone to make mistakes when they are tired.
- 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。His heart ached for the suffering child bride.
- 他的疲劳还没有恢复。He hasn't got over his fatigue yet.