- 迈克Michael
- 吉娃娃Chihuahua
- 吉米jimmy
- 吉大Jinlin University
- 吉他手guitarist
- 你是迈克·杰克逊吗?Are you Michael Jackson?
- 吉格gigue
- 你是迈克·杰克逊吗?Are you Michael Jackson?
- 吉列Gillette
- 迈克已经大学三年级了。Mike is already a junior.
- 不吉infelicity
- 迈克·杰克逊是当今美国最受欢迎的性感演员之一。Actor Mel Gibson is currently one of America's favorite hunks.
- 迈克是一好心肠的小伙子。Mike is a very kind-hearted boy.
- 吉之岛Jusco
- 迈克期望能为海外的人们做一些事情。Mike longed to do something for the people across the sea.
- 吉士粉custard powder
- 迈克在大学里专修时装史。Mike specializes in the history of fashion at the university.
- 吉恩jean
- 迈克去买东西时忘了带钱了。Mike left his money behind when he went shopping.
- 我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。I reminded Gerald of his promise.