- 阿里Ali (proper name)
- 吉娃娃Chihuahua
- 吉米jimmy
- 吉大Jinlin University
- 刮大风时船只停泊在港内。During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor.
- 吉他手guitarist
- 此港深四英寻。The harbor is four fathoms deep.
- 阿里是个有钱的旅游者。Ali is a well-heeled tourist.
- 吉格gigue
- 他将船驶进港内。He steered his boat into the harbor.
- 吉列Gillette
- 从前离印度河不远住着一个年老的波斯人,名叫阿里·哈菲德。There once lived not far from the River Indus an ancient Persian by the name of Ali Hafed.
- 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor.
- 阿里品alypine
- 不吉infelicity
- 这是欧洲第一大港。This is Europe's premier port.
- 阿里与本调换了座位。Ali exchanged seats with Ben.
- 阿里二醇arnidiol
- 这船现在停泊在福州港。The ship is at anchor in Foochow harbo(u)r at present.
- 吉之岛Jusco