- 过年了,按老风俗,见面都要说一些吉祥话。It's the lunar New Year. According to the old custom, when you meet someone, you should say a few auspicious words.
- 话language
- 的话if
- 会话conversation
- 吉祥(adj) lucky
- 广东话Cantonese
- 吉祥的lucky
- 句话language
- 中国话Chinese
- 这样的话this way
- 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。I always carry my lucky penny.
- 听话的persuasible
- 如果可以的话,我想提一个问题。I'd like to ask a question if I may.
- 最后一句话last word
- 上海话Shanghai native language
- 固话fixed line
- 说不出话来speechless
- 如果是这样的话if so
- 会话的conversational
- 那样的话at that rate