- 杰姆 克劳法Jim Crow laws
- 梅里尔-克劳法Merrill-Crowe process
- 梅里尔-克劳法Merrill-Crowe process
- 杰姆·克劳法Jim Crow laws
- 吉姆似乎下决心要成为音乐家。Jim seems bent on becoming a musician.
- 爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆。Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of higher allowance.
- 吉姆努力忘掉这一念头。Jim tried to erase the idea from his mind.
- 吉姆如饥似渴地学习代数。Jim is eating up the course in algebra.
- 吉姆将送你到汽车站。Jim will see you back as for as the bus stop.
- 吉姆对凯丝有好感。Jim has a soft spot for Kathy.
- 吉姆和玛丽婚前同居了。Jim and Mary sleep together before they were married.
- 吉姆靠给人擦皮鞋为生。Jim made a living by shining shoes for people.
- 吉姆现在意气消沉。The black dog is over Jim now.
- 吉姆突然伸出一条腿将特德绊倒。Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.
- 吉姆叫我把蛇头砍下来扔出去。Jim told me to chop off the snake's head and throw it away.
- 吉姆从梯子爬上去修理屋顶。Jim went up the ladder to mend the roof.
- 吉姆很难适应新的环境。It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment.
- 聪明的是吉姆.It's Jim who's the clever one.
- 吉姆老爷Lord Jim
- 嘿,吉姆!Hey, Jim!