- 不合not conform to
- 合集union
- 有味道sapidity
- 拟合fitting
- 贴合joint
- 有味道的sapid
- 合租flat-share
- 合页hinge
- 没有味道insipidness
- 合照group photo
- 罐头肉味道好吗?Does tinned meat taste good?
- 合板plywood
- 杜鹃花的味道唤醒了我对许多年前那个下午他突然出现的记忆。The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago.
- 合式befit
- 这炸鸡味道鲜美。The fried chicken is delicious.
- 百年好合conjugal felicity
- 好闻的味道A pleasant smell.
- 离合on-off
- 这肉味道真好。The meat tastes delicious.
- 水合hydration