- 有一只狗在听到她跟随师父修行而且吃全素时,甚至还跑过来亲她。When she told a dog that she was following Master and had become a vegetarian, the dog came over to kiss her.
- 某个星期天,罗尼的哥哥告诉联络人说,罗尼在学校已经不会想要吃肉了,他自愿吃全素。One Sunday, his older brother informed a contact person that Ronnie no longer wished to eat meat at school and had become completely vegetarian on his own accord.
- 那我们就去吃“全素宴”。OK, we can have a vegetarian dinner.
- 吃全麦粉馒头,别吃肉。Do eat whole-wheat steam bread, but don't eat meat.
- 能全素Nutrison(含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物和维生素、矿物质)<营养类药>
- 保全maintain
- 霉素zymoid
- 吃到have
- 我一贯主张吃全麦面包。I always stick to wholemeal bread.
- 阿霉素adriamycin
- 我们晚餐吃牛排。We had beef steak for dinner.
- 白细胞介素interleukin
- 大部分的水果是生吃的。Most fruits are eaten raw.
- 如果你没有明确的目标,你可能工作很长时间而全无进展。If you don't have a clear aim, you can work a long time and still be going in circles.
- 她吃了点止头痛药粉。She took some headache powder.
- 全素主义veganism
- 爱吃零食sock
- 他们把她的声誉全毁了。They have torn her reputation to shreds.
- 中饭我们吃了炖牛肉。We had beef stew for lunch.