- 右翼政客对单亲的诋毁the vilification of single parents by right-wing politicians
- 荷兰右翼政客皮姆·浮屠恩有时试着和欧洲的其他极右翼政客划清界限。他表示他不同意其他人将移民送回原来国家的做法,只是要阻止新移民的到达。Pim Fortuyn sometimes tried to dissociate himself from other far right European politicians by saying that unlike many he didn't advocate sending immigrants home, he simply wanted to prevent new arrivals;
- 政客politician
- 右翼(politically) right-wing
- 他的兄弟属于最不入流的政客。His brother is a politician of the worst stripe.
- 这颗炸弹是右翼极端分子放置的。The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists.
- 那个年轻政客在操纵舆论方面是个外行。The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion.
- 这个党的右翼不可能赢得那些参加反种族隔离运动的人的支持。The right wing of the party can't play for sympathy with the antiapartheid campaigners.
- 报上那篇文章严厉地批评了那个政客。The newspaper article panned the politician.
- 资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party.
- 派遣了一些士兵守卫右翼.A number of men were detached to guard the right flank.
- 政客使自己的政治纲领迎合平民大众的口味。The politician geared his platform to the mob.
- 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点.They use the press to disseminate right-wing views.
- 右翼分子right winger
- 这些政客们诡计多端。These politicians are very crafty.
- 我们向敌人右翼压过去。We bore down upon the enemy's right flank.
- 这所房屋由一位政客租住。The house is tenanted by a politician.
- 该政党开始清洗右翼分子。The party have begin a purge of right- wing element.
- 那个政客对工会进行猛烈抨击。The politician made a strong onslaught on the unions.
- 右翼反对征收新税。The right opposes the new taxes.