- 6%胺菊酯·烯丙菊酯·氯菊酯气雾剂的气相色谱分析Analytical Method of 0.6%25 Tetramethrin+Allethrin+Permethrin Aerosol by GC
- 建立了7%右旋苯氰菊酯杀虫烟雾剂的超声萃取前处理方法和气相色谱分析方法。A method was established for determination of a 7%25 d-cyphenothrin insecticidal aerosol using an ultrasound extraction pretreatment followed by gas chromatography (GC).
- 得克西得林用于右旋胺基丙胺的一种商标A trademark used for dextroamphetamine.
- 胺菊酯在人皮肤上残留的研究Study on Tetramethrin Residue on the Surface of Human Skin
- 外消旋胺racemic amines
- 右right (-hand)
- 胺菊酯·高效氯氰菊酯气雾剂的气相色谱分析Determination of Tetramethrin and Bata- cypermethrin in Their Mixture by Gas Chromatography
- 菊chrysanthemum
- 右旋葡萄藤dextrorse vine
- 胺菊脂tetramethrin
- 斜击球;击成右旋球to slice the ball
- 右旋糖酐氢氧化铁治疗血液透析病人肾性贫血的效果观察Observation on effect of dextran ferric hydroxide to treat patients with renal anemia after underwent hemodialysis
- 高效液相色谱法测定20%高效氯氰菊酯·胺菊酯乳油中氯氰菊酯和胺菊酯的含量Determination of Bata-Cypermethrin and Tetramethrin by HPLC
- 棉子糖低钾右旋糖酐液供体肺灌注保存的临床病理学研究Lung donor perfused with raffinose-low-potassium dextran solution for lung transplantation: A clinicopathological study
- 氰戊菊酯,杀灭菊酯,速灭杀丁,敌虫菊酯,戊酸氰醚酯Belmark
- 右旋插入位RRIB Round Right Insert Bit
- 氰戊菊酯,杀灭菊酯,速灭杀丁,速灭西丁,敌虫菊酯,戊酸氰醚酯Fenvalerate; Ores-2000; Pydrin
- 右旋龙脑D-bomeol
- 氰戊菊酯sumicidin
- 右旋掩蔽插入RRMI Round Right Masking Insert