- 史密斯先生来找她.Mr. Smith came in his search for her.
- 她she
- 找to try to find
- 新故事正由史密斯先生来写。A new stor-book is being written by Mr. Smith.
- 找不到couldn't find
- 她的her
- 如果她留在这里,他们就会来找她,她只会躺在床上,哭哭啼啼地把什么都说出来。If she stayed here they would come to her and she would simply lie on the bed and sob out everything.
- 你不在时,史密斯先生来过电话,问你可否给他回个电话。Mr. Smith called while you were out and ask if you would phone him back.
- 史密斯先生是法学博士。Mr. Smith is a Doctor of Laws.
- 付乾说:红袖傍晚的时候来找我,说她还有事情,先走了,让你不要找她。Fu said the evening: tea time came to me and said she was there, and the first to let you not find her.
- 史密斯先生是这个镇上有权势的人物。Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。""Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 史密斯先生被指定为警察局长。Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner.
- 我正要去看你,格林先生来找我,让我马上到学校去一趟。I was just going to see you when Mr. Green called to tell me to go to school at once.
- 我昨天偶然碰上史密斯先生。I dropped across Mr. Smith yesterday.
- 她把衣服口袋都翻出来找她的钥匙She turned all her pocket inside out looking for her key
- 史密斯先生闷闷不乐地喝完了茶。Mr. Smith finished his tea in very low spirits.
- 史密斯先生来看我,发现我还在睡觉。Mr Smith came to see me and found me still in bed.
- 他来找她问究竟是什么原因。He sought her out to ask the reason.