- 台球桌必须十分平.A billiard-table must be perfectly even.
- 台球桌必须是水平的。a billiard table must be level.
- 我们必须十分重视晶体管的偏置。We must give great care upon transistor biasing.
- 平邮ordinary mail; surfime mail
- "设计工作中必须十分严谨,因为一点小的失误也会造成很大差异。""You have to be very exact in the design, because a small mistake can make a big difference."
- 磨平rubdown
- 早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.
- 斯诺克运动员/台球桌a snooker player/table
- 抹平trowelling
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 整平strike-off
- 我们必须通知警方。We must inform the police.
- 请给予11张12英尺桌球台和3张台球桌最优惠的报价。Please quote your best of 11pcs 12ft snooker table and 3pcs.
- 不十分inadequacy
- 他们的行为举止必须得到社会的认可才行。They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.
- 平邮比空邮慢得多。Surface mail takes much longer than airmail.
- 每个公民都必须纳税。Every citizen must pay taxes.
- "我能访问你们的大学,感到十分荣幸。"I esteem it an honour to visit your university.
- 父亲耙平土壤做播种床。Father raked the soil smooth for a seed-bed.
- 在整个考试过程中,我的心情十分紧张。I am on the rack during the entire examination.