- 阿尔卑斯种的露珠草。an Alpine variety of enchanter's_nightshade.
- 露珠草属多年生根茎直立草本植物,黎明时开白花any of several erect perennial rhizomatous herbs of the genus Circaea having white flowers that open at dawn
- 台湾Taiwan
- 露珠草属多年生根茎直立草本植物,黎明时开白花;北半球。any of several erect perennial rhizomatous herbs of the genus Circaea having white flowers that open at dawn; northern hemisphere.
- 草grass
- 台湾人Taiwanese
- 草的herby
- 台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
- 四叶草clover
- 台湾问题Taiwan Issue
- 熏衣草lavender
- 樱花草primrose
- 台湾人的Taiwanese
- 皮草furs
- 台湾话Taiwanese Chinese (language)
- 吃草browse on
- 日本占领台湾达五十一年之久。The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.
- 月见草evening primrose
- 比起台湾的气候来,我更喜欢新加坡的。I prefer the climate of Singapore to that of Taiwan.
- 草绿grass green