- 竹茎culm
- 紫茎兰Risleya atropurpurea
- 竹茎皮层cuticle of bamboo stem
- 台湾Taiwan
- 芦竹茎秆Arundo donax L. stalk
- 紫茎兰属Risleya
- 台湾竹炭结构致密、孔隙多、含丰富矿物质,具很强的吸附分解能力、调节湿度和释放负离子减少臭味功能。The structure of Taiwan bamboo charcoal provides natural minerals which absorb moisture, prevent bacteria growth and reduce odor, disrupting the spread of germs and fungi harmful to the body.
- 竹bamboo
- 竹地板是使用快速生长的竹茎制成的。Bamboo flooring is made from quick growing bamboo stalks.
- 台湾人Taiwanese
- 幽兰orchid
- 台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
- 茎stem
- 兰格Lange
- 山竹mangosteen
- 台湾问题Taiwan Issue
- 法兰克frank
- 新竹Hsinchu
- 兰桂坊Lan Kwai Fong
- 台湾人的Taiwanese