- 台湾Taiwan
- 蝉cicada
- 台湾人Taiwanese
- 台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
- 猎人直射大熊。The hunter shot the bear point-blank.
- 蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。The locust shrills his song of heat.
- 那熊用舌头一舔就把蜜吃光了。With one lap of his tongue the bear finished the honey.
- 台湾问题Taiwan Issue
- 秋蝉harvest fly
- 你有什么样的泰迪玩具熊?What do you have in the way of teddy bears?
- 男孩子们在林子里用网捕捉蝉。The boys were netting cicadas in the woods.
- 台湾人的Taiwanese
- 那头熊落入了陷阱。The bear was trapped.
- 他们把熊从穴中诱出。They lured the bear out of its den.
- 台湾话Taiwanese Chinese (language)
- 蝉的蜕皮the skin sloughed out of the cicada
- 那些熊在水中嬉戏。The bears were disporting themselves in the water.
- 蝉在脱壳。The cicada is shelling.
- 日本占领台湾达五十一年之久。The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.
- 熊在冬天变得怠惰。Bears are inactive during the winter.