- 可may
- 可颂坊法式蛋糕、面包、蛋挞无限量供应Unlimited supply of all kinds of delicacies, such as cakes, bread and egg-cookies, etc, in French style
- 在危机发生之前,亚洲因其可歌可颂的成就而受到广泛的赞扬。Prior to the crisis, Asia had been widely praised for its admirable economic achievements.
- 可用do
- 在某些社会里,政客、政治领袖或公务人员帮助朋友、家人或支持者,是可歌可颂的事情。A politician, political leader or public official who helps friends, family members or supporters may seem praiseworthy in some societies and corrupt in others.
- 颂to praise
- 可颂坊的〈法式面包房〉每天向消费者提供近百余种各式面包、西点、蛋糕、糖果、饮料、包装礼盒。Croissants de France (French bread) provides customers with nearly 100 kinds of bread, western pastry, cake, sugar, beverage and packaged gift.
- 可用空间space available
- 可使用in commission
- 可选eligibility
- 可输入importability
- 可变variable
- 可接受acceptability
- 可见的eyeable
- 可接受的receivable
- 创可贴Woundplast
- 无可救药incurable
- 可比comparable
- 可选的choice
- 安可encoreter