- 他们的注意力集中在那个可疑分子身上。They zeroed in on the suspicious man.
- 左翼人士反对增税。The left oppose the tax increase.
- 那家伙行为可疑。There was something fishy about that guy.
- 报界人士the newspaper gentry
- 詹姆斯发觉这殷勤之中有点可疑。James scented something suspicious in this courtesy.
- 人们站在街道两旁看那位著名人士走过。People lined the streets to see the famous man go past.
- 许多著名人士参加了招待会。Many notables attended the reception.
- 警察局长命令样子可疑的陌生人马上走。The sheriff ordered the suspicious looking stranger to hit the trail.
- 背景可疑的人a person of shady antecedents
- 并印制有关雇用各类残疾人士的小册子及指南,派发给市民。Pamphlets and guidebooks concerning employment of people with various disability types were also published and disseminated to members of the public.
- 可疑的证据shaky evidence.
- 他所提出的问题使与会人士感到困惑。The difficult problem present by him entangle the conferee.
- 出处可疑的of doubtful provenance
- 他是热衷于当上副总统的人士之一。He is one of the aspirants to the vice-presidency.
- 可疑的人物[法] suspicious character
- 新闻界人士不得出庭旁听.The Press were not allowed to attend the trial.
- 交易的性质令人可疑shadiness of a deal
- 新闻界人士避开了这个问题。The journalists drop ped this subject.
- 这个案子有些可疑Something is fishy about the accident.
- 此协议需经双方负责人士批准。This agreement is subject to ratification by the authorities of both parties.