- 可申请加拿大护照.Apply for a Canadian passport.
- 可申请加拿大护照。Apply for a Canadian passport.
- 什麽人有权申请加拿大护照加拿大公民。Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport A Canadian citizen has the right.
- 谁有权申请加拿大护照?Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?
- 我申请加拿大移民。I apply for Canadian immigrant.
- 创可贴Woundplast
- 安可encoreter
- 外资商业银行境内分行在境内持续经营三年以上的,可申请成为托管。Domestic branches of foreign-invested commercial banks with more than three years of continual operation are eligible to apply for the custodian qualification.
- 想申请加拿大技术移民,应考虑哪些问题?Want to apply for Canadian technology immigrant, what issue should consider?
- 不可用的unusable
- 我取得了护照签证。I had my passport visaed.
- 可心satisfying; to one's heart's content
- 不可见的sightless
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 不可见invisible
- 加拿大和美国是邻邦。Canada and the United States are neighbors.
- 申请签证apply for a visa; visa application
- 不可预见的unpredictable
- 专利申请patent application
- 便可alright