- 完全可替代性perfect substitutability
- 可替代性原理并不意味着项目估价是徒劳的。The principle of fungibility does not imply that project evaluation is an empty exercise.
- 可may
- “财产权”,更诱人的意义,在于这种权利具有可替代性、可变换性和可流通性。More meaning about "property right" lies in its changeability, convertibility and its transferability.
- 可用do
- 中国小麦玉米比价关系与可替代性研究Price Relations and Interchangeability between Wheat and Com in China
- 替代性vicarism
- 可替代fungible
- 无可替代can not be substituted
- 这一程序保证了辩方对证据的再询问,以及研究对控方案件的替代性的假定。This allows the defense to re-examine the evidence and develop alternative hypotheses to the prosecutor's case.
- 替代性结果vicarious consequences
- hy系列高级彩色油墨溶剂油可替代进口的同类产品用于制造各种高档油墨。HY series quality colour ink solvent oil can substitute the imported products to produce all high-class ink oil.
- 毒品作物的根除和替代性发展反毒工作中的国际合作问题Topic A: Eradication of Illicit Drug Crops and Alternative Development Topic B: Building Partnerships to Address the World Drug Problem
- 作为形容词用来修饰系统、装置、文件或设备,表示在发生故障或数据丢失时可替代使用。Pertaining to a system, device, file, or facility that can be used in the event of a malfunction or loss of data
- 非替代性non-fungibility
- 可替代货物fungible goods
- 替代性肥大[医] vicarious hypertrophy
- 可替代物[法] replaceable thing
- 替代性活化alternative activation
- 替代性纠纷alternative dispute resolution