- 自从我最后一次为该公司工作以来, 什么原因使得公司落到这般可怜的境地?But what has brought the company to such a pity condition since I last worked for it?
- 处在可怜的境地中in a sorry state
- 可怜的lamentable
- 可怜的境地.in a piteous condition
- 在最后的情况中,花粉块已发达到最高最完善的境地了。In this latter case we have a pollinium in its most highly developed and perfect condition.
- 可怜pitiful
- 医生保证,他给开的药一定能减轻这可怜的男人的痛苦。The doctor promised that the medicine he had prescribed would ease the poor man of his suffering.
- 这位母亲设法把自己的儿子从依赖毒品的境地中拯救出来。The mother managed to salvage her son flora a dependence on drugs.
- 可怜的人miser
- 他陷入了悲惨的境地。He is in a sad plight.
- 这可怜的孩子读着告知她的宠物兔子已死去的信时,两眼充满了泪水。The poor child's eyes glistened with tears as she read the letter telling her that her pet rabbit had died.
- 由于海关征收繁重的紧急关税,使得我们处于极其困难的境地。The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult.
- 那可怜的人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。The poor man received a savage beating from the thug.
- 可怜的引起或值得同情的Inspiring or deserving pity.
- 我正处于一种窘迫的境地。我从办公室借了一些器材,结果经理认为我偷的。I'm in a spot of trouble. I borrowed some equipment form the office, and the manager thinks I stole it.
- 这些男孩向那只可怜的猫扔石头。The boys slung stones at the miserable cat.
- 这可怜的人所有的钱都丢了。The poor wretch lost all his money.
- 这样做虽然省钱,但也意味着如果美国更换装备,英国会处在一个被动危险的境地。This saves money but also means that Britain can be left in the lurch when America changes its equipment.
- 不要取笑那个可怜的孩子。Don't make fun of the poor boy.
- 而现在有些人却想把我们的社会引到无法无天的境地,这怎么行呢?But today some people are trying to make our society absolutely lawless. How can we allow that to happen?