- 梅勒妮:可不是吗。我今儿难受死了。Melanie: Was I what. I feel like shit warmed up today.
- 可不是吗,我想那大风都能把树刮倒。Yes. I think the wind was strong enough to blow down trees.
- 不是(n) blame or fault
- 达西先生的话没有他朋友的话中听,可不是吗?Mr. Darcy is not so well worth listening to as his friend, is he?
- 对。纳粹人士的确扭曲了他对“超人”的解释,可不是吗?Right. The Nazis really twisted his idea of the @superman,@ didn't they?
- 可不是吗?That's just the way it is.; Exactly.
- 你在我这个年纪就失业了,那可不是闹着玩的。It's no laughing matter when you lose your job at my age.
- 杰夫: 可不是吗?Jeff: That is tree.
- 学生甲: 可不是吗!Student A. That is fight!
- 他需要的可不是这种不言自明的道理。This was not the axiom he wanted.
- 他是吝啬鬼--可不是吗!He was a miser -and how!
- 他可不一样,不是一般小学生打架。His disagreements are not ordinary schoolboy fights.
- 她是个十足美人,可不是吗?She's a regular beauty, isn't she?
- 可不是,当时中国人真是威震乒坛。You are right. The Chinese tennis table players did leave an impressive performance in the table tennis competition then.
- 她是个十足的美人,可不是吗?She's a regular beauty, is not she?
- 看我的嘴唇;仔细听我说(我可不是开玩笑)。Listen carefully to what I say(I mean what I say.)
- “他很自负。”“可不是吗?”'He's very pompous.' 'Isn't he just?'
- 伯尼说: "要从一个默默无闻的人成为一位大人物,那可不是靠魔法变出来的啊。""From log cabin to White House, my dear, " Bernie said, "isn't done on a broomstick any more."
- “还有一个。”“可不是吗。”'There's another one.' 'So there is.'
- 这可不是一般的旧床--是莎士比亚的。This isn't any old bed it belonged to Shakespeare.