- 只读不理解是不好的。Reading without comprehension is no good.
- 只读read only
- "婶子若不借,又说我不会说话了,又挨一顿好打呢.婶子只当可怜侄儿罢.""If you won't lend it, aunt, I'll be given another sound thrashing for not asking properly. Have pity on your nephew!"
- 只读文件read-only file
- 我没法打这封信。我读不懂它。老板的字写得太糟糕了。I can't type this letter. I can't read it. The boss's hand writting is terrible!
- 只读存储器read only memory
- 伊梅尔特:我读大量的传记,也读不少历史书和一些小说。Immelt: I do a lot of biographies, a fair amount of history, and some novels.
- 到了晚年,他用全部时间写成了这本令人百读不厌的小说。In his later years, he devoted all his time to a novel which proved to be a best-loved book.
- 建议只读read-only recommended
- 最重要的程序都在只读存储器中。The most important programs are in the read only memory.
- 只读光盘CDROM
- 半可变只读存储器semi-changeable ROM
- 他在大学只读了两个星期便退学了。He dropped out of college after only two weeks.
- 只读属性read only attribute
- 新的访问权限模型用于经由用户组口令保护只读翻译单元。New access-rights model for protect read- only translation unit via user group password.
- 只读的readonly
- 只读位read-only bit
- 只读碟CD-ROM
- 根据邓布利多在问答说明中所说,谁长时间站在《神奇的魁地奇球》前只读不买会遭到不明物体的攻击。People who stand too long reading Quidditch Through the Ages in a shop without buying it might find themselves the object of this curse, according to Dumbledore in the introduction to QA.
- 只读操作read-only operation