- 只管(adv) no need to think about; by all means
- 管pipe
- 她只管继续做她的。She just went ahead and did it.
- 只管走过去,不必逗留着采了花朵来保存,因为一路上花朵自会继续开放的。Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.
- 别为我担心,只管进行下去。Don't worry about me. Just carry on.
- 只管自己的事情stick to one's knitting
- "自己不尊重,要往下流走,安着坏心,还只管怨人家偏心."You've no self-respect but will lower yourself. You behave spitefully yourself and then complain thateverybody else is unfair!
- 你只管相信我说的话就是了。You'll just have to take what I say on trust.
- 他说,但以理阿,你只管去。因为这话已经隐藏封闭,直到末时。And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.
- 只管自已的事saw wood
- 你只管听着!Just listen to this!
- 只管告诉我们做什么。Just tell us what we should do.
- 你只管干下去。Go ahead by all means.
- 点心与饮料将全天供应,你们饿时只管随便享用。Refreshments will be available all day long so just help yourself when you're hungry.
- 只管唱,尽情地唱。Good enough for anyoneElse to hearJust sing, sing a song.
- 你不知道. 你只管猜!You don't know. You're just guessing!
- 她只管报纸借阅。She is only responsible for lending newspapers.
- 耐克:只管去做。NIKE:Just do it.
- 有什么问题只管问。ifyou have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
- 我能帮什么忙,只管说。Let me know how I can help.