- 只有一个办法能救他.There is just one way of saving him.
- 只有一个办法能救他。There is just one way of saving him.
- 他推断出只有一个人能够犯下如此可怕的案子。He decucted that only one person was capable of committing such a horrendous crime.
- 除了我们自己,只有一个人知道这件事,收买他应该不难。There is only one person besides ourselves who knows anything about this affair,and it shouldn't be difficult to square him.
- 只有存在对象,才能有一个固定模式的世界的存在。Only if there are objects can there be a fixed form of the world.
- 我想跑上去和他们讲道理,但这能救他吗?恐怕不行。I wanted to rush up and have it out with them. But would that save him? Hardly.
- 这次飞机失事只有一个幸存者。There was only one survivor from the plane crash.
- 想认清究竟是不是渔民只有一个办法,而且绝对可靠,就是看他的那双手。The only way you could tell a fisherman, surely, was by his hand.
- 这家戏院只有一个出口处。There is only one exit from the theater.
- 33列国的神有哪一个救他本国脱离亚述王的手呢?Has the god of any nation ever delivered his land from the hand of the king of Assyria?
- 只有一个街区远。It is only one block away.
- 有一个人非常有钱,有很多财产,有一天,他得了重病,没办法康复。There was a very rich man who had plenty of property. One day, he suddenly fell seriously ill and couldnt recover.
- 世间只有一个希勒There's only one Alan Shearer
- 我心中只有一个愿望There is only one wish on my mind
- 越南,胡志民市---在她的梦里,他幻想能有一个爱情长跑。HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam - In her dreams, she imagined a long courtship.
- 我只有一个基本生活准则。I only have one cardinal rule that I live by.
- 护士:医生还不能来看你。有一个急诊病人,他必须先进行治疗。Nurse: The doctor won't be able to see you yet. There's been an emergency that he must take care of first.
- 方法返回只有一个ID限定符。The return value for a method has an ID qualifier.
- 它建在一个小山里并且只有一点点能从外面看到除了一个玻璃的正面。It is built into a hill and little can be seen form outside except a glass facade.
- 世界上适合你的人不会只有一个。There will be more than one person who can adapt to you.