- 只干不玩,聪明也会成笨蛋。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
- 那工作他只干了一个月就厌倦了, 决定不干了.After only a month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave.
- 我们常说自己“笨手笨脚”,意思是说我们的手指太笨拙,干不了某件工作。We say that we are "all thumbs", meaning that our fingers seem to be too clumsy for the work.
- 匪徒们威胁说,要是他不说出密电码藏在哪儿,就要把他干掉。The gangsters threatened to bump him off if he did not tell them where the secret code was hidden.
- 如果只干两三年就换了,经验就积累不起来,就不会做思想工作。It is impossible for instructors to accumulate experience and learn how to do ideological work if they are transferred to other posts after only two or three years.
- 俺只干家务活呢。"Ah's a house nigger."
- 谁说我干不了这个?Who says I can't do it?
- 他什么都不说,只是望着我咧着嘴傻笑。He did not say anything, but just looked at me and grinned like a Cheshire cat.
- 工作时间只干工作。Work during work hours.
- 你是说我老得干不了这份工作?Are you suggesting that I am too old for the job?
- 抗日是一件大事,少数人断乎干不了。Resistance to Japan is a gigantic task which cannot be performed by a few individuals alone.
- 他只干了六周就被开除了。They gave him the push after only six weeks.
- 他从来不逢迎讨好别人,连半句好话也不说,而只是独往独来。He never ingratiated himself anywhere, not in the slightest, but kept to himself.
- 我们都得轮流干不合意的工作。而他总是将自己置身于普通音乐家之上。We all have to take our turn at unpleasant work. He has always rated himself above ordinary musicians.
- 他把工作只干了半截儿。He left his work half-done.
- 谁要是干不利于社会团结的事,谁就是与整个造化为敌。Whoever doing anything go against the solidarity of society would go against all the creatures.
- 他从来不逢迎讨好别人,连半句好话也不说,而只是独往独来。He never ingratiated himself anywhere, not in the slightest, but kept to himself.
- 我只干那些事实上必要的事。I would only do such things as circumstances might demand.
- 吴荪甫尖利地看着吴为成的脸儿,只淡淡地笑了一笑,不说什么。Wu Sun-fu was watching his nephew's face intently. He smiled faintly, but said nothing.