- 斟字酌句weigh one's words
- 文字character
- 说完这篇斟字酌句演讲以后,维尔福环顾了一下四周,以观察他演说词的效果好象他此刻是在法庭上对旁听席讲话似的。Having made this well-turned speech, Villefort looked carefully around to mark the effect of his oratory, much as he would have done had he been addressing the bench in open court.
- 字letter
- 句sentence
- 嚼to chew
- 从句subordinate clause
- 八字character 8
- 句话language
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- 斟pour
- 拼字spelling
- 说几句say a few words
- 咬文嚼字being pedantic
- 最后一句话last word
- 双字double word
- 浅斟细嚼shallow earthquake
- 否定句negative sentence
- 红字rubrication
- 倒装句inversion sentence