- 古里古怪;异想天开.Bats in the belfry ;be crazy;have strange ideas
- 不要古里古怪的样子。Nothing fancy, please.
- 那后面古里古怪的东西是什么玩意儿?What are those funny things at the back?
- 他是个笨手笨脚的[古里古怪的]家伙.He's an awkward/queer old cuss.
- 她做这事完全是一时异想天开。She did it out of mere freak.
- 为了逗我们发笑,布赖恩总是矫揉造作,装得古里古怪。Brian was always camping it up and pretending to be queer to make us laugh.
- 亚历山大总是异想天开。Alexander always thinks big.
- 他在宣誓仪式上的讲话敷衍塞责,古里古怪。His remarks at the swearing-in ranged from the perfunctory to the bizarre.
- 我是不是在异想天开?Was I completely off my trolley?
- 他在宣誓仪式上的讲话敷衍赛责,古里古怪。His remarks at the swearing-in ranged from the perfunctory to the bizarre.
- 这种新的异想天开究竟是什么意思?What is the signification of this new freak?
- 他去欧洲旅行时故意装成一副古里古怪的模样。He plays a flaky tourist visiting Europe.
- 奇想,异想天开a flight of fancy
- 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。It sounded just that weird and disordered.
- 休要异想天开。Don't let your imagination run away with you.
- 如果你穿着网球鞋进入皇宫,他们会认为你古里古怪。If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric.
- 也许,它的最新含义是“不同于一般的”或“异想天开的”。Perhaps the lastest implication is "unusual" or "whimsical".
- 他们是一些古里古怪,头发花白,满脸皱纹的杂货店老板。They were odd and grizzled or wrinkled storekeepers.
- 当莱特兄弟说他们能造飞行器时,人们都认为他俩异想天开。When the Wright brothers said they could build a flying machine, people thought they were all wet.
- 他们是一些古里古怪,头发花白,满脸皱纹的杂货店老板。They were odd and grizzled or wrinkled storekeepers