- 古斯塔夫火灾危险度法Gustav Purrs fire risk assessment method
- 古斯塔夫·克里姆特是欧洲新艺术运动的代表,奥地利维也纳分离派的重要人物。Gustav Klimt is representative of European Art Nouveau and one of the important figures in Vienna Secession, Austria.
- 基尔霍夫,古斯塔夫 罗伯特1824-1887德国物理学家,以他对光谱分析,光学,和电学的研究著名German physicist noted for his research in spectrum analysis, optics, and electricity.
- 著名的古斯塔夫·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之一,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel,flying a Beriot monoplane,and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail.
- 基尔霍夫,古斯塔夫·罗伯特1824-1887德国物理学家,以他对光谱分析,光学,和电学的研究著名German physicist noted for his research in spectrum analysis,optics,and electricity.
- 访问期间,他会见了瑞典国王卡尔十六世.古斯塔夫和议会议长维斯特伯格,并与总理佛莱瑞克.兰菲尔德举行了会谈。During his visit, the Chinese president met Swedish King Carl Gustaf, the 16th, and Parliament Speaker Per Westerberg, and had talks with Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.
- 费克纳,古斯塔夫·狄奥多里克1801-1887德国心理学家及物理学家,他对刺激力量与感情强烈程度之间的关系进行研究,进而创立了物理心理学German psychologist and physicist who studied the relationship between strength of stimulus and intensity of sensation,thereby founding psychophysics.
- 自由女神像由法国雕塑家巴托迪和古斯塔夫·菲尔(负责雕像的钢架)同完成,这个象征着自由的雕塑是法国于1886年赠送给美国的,以祝贺美国独立一百周年。Made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel( who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in1886.
- 紧随着自大狂妄的古斯塔夫·格拉夫(托比·斯蒂芬斯饰)及其得力助手兆(里克·云饰)的踪迹,邦德来到了冰岛并潜入匪巢:一幢完全由冰建造的宫殿。Hot on the trail of deadly megalomaniac Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens) and his right-hand man Zao(Rick Yune),Bond travels to Iceland into the villain's lair:a palace built entirely of ice.
- 加贝尔表示,那些男孩燃放的鞭炮令原本一向在性方面生龙活虎的古斯塔夫突然变得缺乏性趣且情绪低落起来,以至于在接下来的半年时间里它始终无法与该农场内的2只雌性鸵鸟亲热。According to his lawsuit, the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful Gustav both apathetic and depressed, and thus unable to perform for a half-a-year with his two female breeding partners.