- 精灵numen
- 小精灵elf
- 古怪有趣的表情a droll expression
- 精灵族Elven
- 像这样无视那扼杀了我的乐趣的古怪声音,还真是屈指可数。It was one of thoes rare occasions when I ignored the crotchety old voice that spoiled my fun.
- 矮妖精爱尔兰民间传说中一种小精灵,可以向抓住它的人指示隐藏的宝藏One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him.
- 这个古怪的诗人在文学圈内臭名昭著The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.
- 古怪哲学a cranky philosophy
- 妈妈给女儿读了一个关于住在森林里,只在夜里出来的小精灵的故事。Mother read her daughter a story about the wee folk who lived in the forest and came out at night.
- 古怪的想象a flighty imagination
- 阿里尔莎士比亚戏剧中的一个淘气的精灵(出自)暴风雨A mischievous spirit in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
- 他作风很古怪。He was very peculiar in his ways.
- 家神古罗马家庭守护神或精灵A tutelary deity or spirit of an ancient Roman household.
- 我们大家都笑她戴这么一顶古怪的帽子。We all poke fun at her because she wears such a strange hat.
- 小精灵的elvish
- 他们早期的电影试图通过离奇古怪异想天开的形象来进行革命宣传。Their early films tried to convey revolutionary propaganda through grotesque and fantastic imagery.
- 棕仙传说中夜间帮人干活的小精灵A small sprite thought to do helpful work at night.
- 我倒喜爱她那古怪的举止.I love her nutty behaviour!
- 巫能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼A soothsaying spirit or demon.
- 令人不愉快的奇怪、古怪的人。someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric.