- 古埃及和巴比伦文化.the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Babylon
- 有证据表明在古埃及和克利特岛上的古弥诺斯文化中就举行过体育比赛。There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in Ancient Egypt and in the ancient Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
- 这大概就是埃及和巴比伦音乐完整的遗存。This is probably a perfect survival of the music of Egypt and Babylon.
- 双轮的马拉的战争工具;在古埃及和古希腊以及古罗马用于战争和比赛。a two-wheeled horse-drawn battle vehicle; used in war and races in ancient Egypt and Greece and Rome.
- 记载的埃及和巴比伦。西方文化坚持展示对过去的关注,Of Egypt and Babylon. Western culture has persistently exhibited a concern for the past and has
- 埃及和德国的古物学者将一具古埃及法老王阿赫拿吞的金棺棺木抬起。Egyptian and German egyptologists carry the ancient sarcophagus of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten,Sunday,Jan. 27,2002.
- 美索不达米亚,在希腊语中意为"两河之间的地区"。这里是人类文明的摇篮,苏美尔文化、阿卡得文化、巴比伦文化和亚述文化都曾在此兴盛,最早的希伯来神话也诞生于此。Mesopotamia,the Greek name for the Land between the Two Rivers,is the cradle of human civilization,where the Sumerian,Akkadian,Babylonian and Assyrian cultures flourished and where the first Hebrew myths were born.
- 古代亚述和巴比伦神殿的塔,形状似梯形金字塔,有连续向后倾的塔层a temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians,having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories
- 和级数是古埃及和声设计的起源。The Summation Series was the origin of Ancient Egyptian harmonic design.
- 亚述和巴比伦的纪录比较起来则少得多。The records of Assyria and Babylon are sparing in comparison.
- 在较早期的罗马和巴比伦的数字系统里,需要用一大窜数字符号来表示更高的数字。In the earlier Roman and Babylonian systems of numeration, a large number of characters were required to denote higher numerals.
- (古埃及的)灵鸟the sacred ibis
- 古代亚述和巴比伦的爱情、生育和战争女神。The ancient Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love,fertility,and war.
- 地理环境对上古埃及和希腊历史发展的影响The Effects of Geographical Conditions on the History Development of Ancient Egypt and Greece
- 他们在亚述和巴比伦失守的时候组织了波斯社会。They organized Persian society after the fall of Assyria and Babylon.
- 古埃及奴隶制经济slave-owning economy in ancient Egypt
- 有关古埃及的史实,最近已有新发现。New facts about the ancient Egypt have recently come to light.
- 同样,关于摩西和参孙的传说在苏美尔和巴比伦也有相似的版本。So too the stories of Moses and of Samson have Sumerian and Babylonian parallels.
- 有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China, Egypt and Persia.
- 她写了一本关于古埃及人习俗的书。She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.