- 受强风吹袭的山坡.a wind-swept hillside
- 荒凉的、 受强风吹袭的高沼地区.a desolate, windswept moorland area
- 船受强风吹袭倾侧了。The boat heeled over in a strong wind.
- 强风吹袭着险恶的索伦堡垒。Strong winds blow around the black fortress of Barad-dur.
- 船在强风吹袭下倾向一侧。The boat heeled over in a strong wind.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 在愈见光秃秃的山坡上;On the top of the bare hill;
- 外袭的exogenous
- 意大利的山坡速降滑雪冠军Italy's champion downhill racer
- 船只被强风吹离了航道。The vessel was blown off course by the gale.
- 隐袭的疾病an insidious disease
- "山坡上下来的小溪流侵袭着松软的土地,沿着山脚跟形成了一条沟渠。"The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.
- 彼得每月为艾达支付公寓套房的一半租金,从而使她完全受自己支配。By paying half the rent of her flat Peter has carried Ida in his pocket.
- 他强忍住笑。He subdued a desire to laugh.
- 风吹动树叶。The wind stirs the leaves.
- 在今天,一个未受过教育的人想获得成功,不艰苦奋斗一番是不行的。The man who tries to succeed today without an education is swimming against the stream.
- 枫树在风中摇曳。The maples wavered in the wind.
- 懊悔是愚夫愚行后所受的惩罚;蠢人做蠢事后得到的惩罚是懊悔。Foolish people are punished by the repentance which follows their folly.
- 这阵强风吹乱了我的发型。These high winds are playing the devil with my new hairstyle.
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