- 信息news
- 但是,由于下列原因,传入呼叫可能不包含呼叫者ID信息However, incoming calls may not include caller ID information for the following reasons
- 一个对象,可用作字典样式集合中的查找键,该集合包含控件类型和外观ID信息。An object that can be used as a lookup key in a dictionary-style collection, which contains the control type and skin ID information.
- 您的组织的电话设备配置为不包含呼叫者ID信息。Your organization's telephony equipment is configured not to include caller ID information.
- 信息管理information management
- 信息系统information system
- 发端inchoation
- 用户信息userinfo
- 信息技术information technology
- 默认情况下,当用户启用了统一消息时,他们可以接收未包含呼叫者ID信息的匿名呼叫。By default, when a user is enabled for Unified Messaging, they can receive calls that are anonymous and do not contain caller ID information.
- 系统信息system information
- 对这些视图进行的相应SELECT查询会生成存储在数据库中的所有用户ID信息和权限信息。Appropriate SELECT queries on these views generate all the user ID and permission information stored in the database.
- 信息资源information resource
- 基本信息essential information
- 个人信息personal information
- 信息产业information industry
- 帮助信息help information
- 信息时代information age
- 详细信息detailed information
- 招聘信息recruitment information