- 一步(single) step
- 均相体系中含氮双齿膦配体对1-十二烯氢甲酰化反应的影响Effects of diphosphine ligand with N-atom on 1-dodecene hydroformylation in homogeneous system
- 双pair
- 步march
- 双击double-click
- 双齿辊破碎机齿辊切向力的分析计算Analysis and Calculation of Tangential Force of the Toothed Roll of Double Toothed Crusher
- 步甲型carabiform
- 齿tooth
- 第一步step one
- 双语diglossia
- 下一步on next step
- 一双pair
- 双赢Win-win
- 拟步甲Darkling Beetles
- 半双齿型hemiamphidont
- 双色two-tone color
- 步甲属Carabus L.
- 双齿bidentate
- 大步甲Carabid ground beetles
- 双齿辊double pin roll