- 短桨蟹属Thalamita
- 日本?和底栖短桨蟹线粒体DNA 12S rRNA基因序列的初步研究A Preliminary Study of Mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA Gene Sequence of Charybdis japonica and Thalamita prymna
- 以相应引物对日本?和底栖短桨蟹的线粒体 DNA1 2 S r RNA基因片段进行了 PCR扩增和序列测定 ,分析比较了 2种间序列差异。This paper deals with the PCR amplification and sequencing of mitoch-ondrial DNA 12S rRNA gene of Charybdis japonica and Thalamita prymna.
- 双额电表two-rate meter
- 双额减压术bifrontal decompression
- 双额叶挫裂伤bilateral frontal contusion and laceration
- 双额颞脑挫裂伤Bifrontotemporal laceration
- 短桨特别用于划独木舟和小艇。Paddles are used especially to propel canoes and kayaks.
- 双额叶脑挫裂伤Bilateral frontal lobe laceration
- 用扁平的东西打,比如短桨或敞开的手。hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand.
- 双额叶重度脑挫裂伤83例诊治经验与教训Experiences in Diagnosis and Therapy of 83 Paients with Severe Bruise of Bilateral Frontal Lobes
- 双额部开颅术治疗前颅窝病变时对嗅束的维护Preservation of the Olfactory Tract in Bifrontal Craniotomy for Various Lesions of the Anterior Cranial Fossa
- 爱斯基摩皮筏一种爱斯基摩大型皮制敞舱船,用木架撑开,通常用短桨划动A large open Eskimo boat made of skins stretched on a wooden frame, usually propelled by paddles.
- 短柄蟹囊蘑Melanoleuca brevipes
- 活额寄蟹Diogenes crab
- 稻蟹双高产实用技术Operative technology about double high yielding on rice and crab
- 短桨paddle
- 在联合特征搜索任务下,老年组双顶叶激活增加; 左额叶激活增加,右额叶(BA6)额外出现激活,出现双额叶基本对称的激活模式;The more activations were demonstrated in bilateral parietal lobule and left frontal regions, extra activation was in the right lobes, presenting basically symmetrical activation in the bilateral frontal lobes.
- 短桨叶paddle
- 异额蟹属Anomalifrons