- 影响双锥回转真空干燥器使用效果的因素Study on factors affecting dicone-shaped vacuum dryer performance
- 可洗密封式双锥真空干燥机及其在中药和合成药方面应用Cleanable and Sealed Double Cone Shape Vacuum Dryer and Its Application in Chinese Medicine and Synthetic Medicine
- 无密封非对称双锥真空干燥机Without Seal and Asymmetry Double Conical Vacuum Dryer
- 双锥混合干燥机在发酵虫草菌粉提取中的使用及节能效应The Usage of dual-conical desiccator in the abstract process of fermentative cordycepic fungal powder and save energy source effect
- 单盘回转真空过滤机错气盘控制系统的改进Improvement to the Control System for the Distribution Pan of the Single-pan Rotary Vacuum Filter
- 双锥形回转真空干燥器double cone rotary vacuum dryer
- 线排料回转真空过滤机rotary vacuum string discharge filter
- 双锥dipyramid
- 蒸汽管回转干燥机Steam Tube Rotary Dryer
- 任意锥角有限长双锥天线电磁特性的仿真研究Simulation study on the electromagnetic characteristics of the biconical antennas for finite length and arbitrary
- PTA蒸汽管回转干燥机汽室应力分析Stress Analysis of the Steam Chest of the PTA Steam-Tube Rotatory Dryers
- 六方双锥hexagonal bipyramid
- 木材真空干燥机Wood vacuum dryer
- 六角双锥double hexagonal pyramid
- 大型PTA蒸汽管回转干燥机的有限元分析Finite element analysis of large-scale PTA steam-pipe rotary dryer
- 双锥环double cone ring
- 双锥的biconical
- 真空一步法浸膏干燥机Vacuum One Step Dryer for Medicine Extract
- 双锥离合器double vee clutch
- 新型真空耙式干燥机的开发Development of New Type Vacuum Rake Dryer