- 香港特区政府现正与二十多个税务当局商议为本港船东带来同类利益的避免双重课税安排。The HKSAR Government is discussing with other tax administrations arrangements for the avoidance of double taxation that will similarly benefit HK shipowners.
- 避免双重课税avoidance of double taxation
- 双重课税宽免double taxation relief
- 双重课税年度dual-status tax year
- 双重课税double taxation
- 双重课税协定double-tax treaty
- 这些安排须定期检查。These arrangements are subject to periodic review.
- 发起人安排这位年轻的拳击选手同一位更老练的拳击手比赛。The promoters matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter.
- 他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。They have planned a tight schedule of travel.
- 国际双重课税international double taxation
- 地主有安排牧师奉禄之权。The living is in the gift of the squire.
- 解免双重课税double taxation relief
- 这个安排对我们两人都合适。The arrangement suited us both.
- 我相信马丁有着双重动机。I believe that Martin had two motives.
- 如果人们有先见之明,就能避免命运的安排。Few people would attain their predestined ending could they see it in advance.
- 她把时间安排得很好。She mapped out her time very well.
- 这一计划有双重目的。The plan has a twin purpose.
- 他的论点是课税太轻。It is his contention that taxes are too low.
- 我安排与他秘密会面。I arranged to meet him in secret.