- 双连杆two-link
- 双pair
- 曲轴连杆式低速大扭矩液压马达配油轴密封环性能改进分析The Performance Improvement Study for the Seal Ring of the Oil Distribution Axle in Crankshaft and Rod Type Low Speed High Torque Hydraulic Motor
- 鼻式悬挂nose suspension
- 双连杆机械臂2R manipulator
- 抱轴式悬挂nose suspension
- 双击double-click
- 双连杆柔性臂two-link flexible robot manipulator
- 悬挂hang
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 双语diglossia
- 过去式preterite
- 连杆connecting bar
- 一双pair
- 四连杆式独立悬架运动学分析与优化Kinematic analysis and optimization of four-link type suspension
- 双赢Win-win
- 油气式悬挂hydropneumatic suspension
- 双色two-tone color
- 双线crewel
- 连杆式万向接轴中关键件的加工及装配The Machining and Assembling of the Key Parts in the Connecting Rod Type Universal Spindle