- 双pair
- 双击double-click
- 双语diglossia
- 一双pair
- 不败的indefectible
- 不败之地invincible position
- 双赢Win-win
- 比赛实行淘汰制。A selective competition was used in the match.
- 败家dissipate a family fortune
- 全面看待末位淘汰制Comprehending the Management System of Eliminating the Worst Completely
- 双色two-tone color
- 不败unbeaten; undefeated; invincible
- 质疑公务员末位淘汰制Oppugning civil servant end-place wash out system
- 双线crewel
- 研究生教育淘汰制问卷调查Questionnaire on elimination mechanism for postgraduate education
- 双字double word
- 永不言败never talking about failure
- 我们将采用循环制,还是淘汰制?A:Shall we adopt the round robin system or the knock-out system?
- 双倍doubling
- 败走discomfit