- 非洲双翼豆wattle
- 贴生双翼豆horsebush
- 豆bean
- 豆的leguminous
- 飞机双翼在撞击中折断。Both wings of the aircrafts were ripped off in the crash.
- 可可豆cacao
- 双翼布局biplane configuration
- 双翼无人机unmanned biplane
- 荷兰豆sweet broad pea
- 愿侬此日生双翼I long to take wing and fly
- 豆粕dregs of beans
- 飞蛾抖动双翼。The moth quivered its wings
- 豆干dried tofu
- 展开我黑暗的双翼As I spread my darkening wings
- 豆皮skin of tofu
- 双翼鱼刺型模型two-winged fishbone-shaped model
- 这只鸟强劲的双翼使它能够飞得很快。This bird's wings enable it to fly very fast.
- 鹰嘴豆chickpea
- 鸟高飞时展开双翼。A bird extends its wings when soaring.
- 相思豆jequirity bean