- 线thread
- 三突多足摇蚊亚属Tripodura
- 双线crewel
- 双pair
- 在线in-line
- 影响春麦田麦双尾蚜数量的天敌主要有白足蚜小蜂Aphelinus albipodus、燕麦蚜茧蜂Aphidius picipes和环足灰斑腹蝇Leucopis annulipes等。noxia in winter wheat field, and Aphelinus albipodus, Aphid-ius picicpes and Leucopis annulipes were key natural enemies in spring wheat field.
- 环loop
- 同杆双回线环流量的行波特点Travelling wave characteristics of circumfluence component of double-circuit lines on the same pole
- 布线环wiring grommet
- 穿线环thimble socket
- 双线[声速]剖面图bilinear profile
- 线环wire eye
- 双线死bicable tramway
- 跳线环jumper ring
- 正常双线regular doublet
- 挂线环Winding pins
- 裁双线folding line for cutting
- 吊线环bridle ring
- 屏蔽双线irregular doublet
- 熔线环[电] fuse link