- 环蝶科Amathusiidae
- 双pair
- 牛眼环heart shaped thimble
- 环蝶呤cyclopterin
- 她的双眼闪耀着幸福的光芒。Her eyes sparkled with happiness.
- 箭环蝶Stichophthalma howqua
- 眼环eye thimble
- 环loop
- 她用双眼打量着那个陌生人。She measured the stranger with her eyes.
- 子弹正好打在他的双眼之间。The bullet hit him plumb between the eyes.
- 帆耳眼环earring cringle
- 吊索眼环eye
- 双眼[双筒]枪a double barrel(l)ed gun
- 钢索眼环头capel
- 睁开双眼to open one's eyes
- 支索端眼环collar
- 凹陷的双眼sunken eyes
- 眼环片麻岩augengneiss
- 垂睑的双眼heavy lidded eyes
- 眼环式指示器eyeball indicator