- 双百工程Double-hundred engine
- “双百”方针"hundred flowers" policy
- “双百”方针的目的是促进社会主义文化的繁荣。The policy is designed to enable socialist culture to flourish.
- 党的方针没有变,“双百”方针还是要。The Party has not changed its principles,and it has not abandoned the "hundred flowers" policy.
- 上周期末考试,小明考了个双百分!In last week's final exams, Xiaoming got two full marks.
- 单季稻"双百"工程高产、高效配套技术High Yield and High Effect Compound Technique for Single Season Rice "Double Hundred" Programme of
- 但是把开展批评同“双百”方针对立起来,却是一种严重的误解或曲解。To place criticism in contradiction to that policy is a gross misunderstanding or distortion.
- 坚持“双百”方针也离不开批评和自我批评。The policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom,a hundred schools of thought contend" cannot be separated from the practice of criticism and self-criticism.
- 所以,我们坚持安定团结,坚持四项基本原则,同坚持“双百”方针,是完全一致的。So the upholding of stability and unity and of the four cardinal principles is entirely in line with our adherence to that policy.
- 良好的稳定性,通过双百实验(温度100℃,湿度%)。IV:good stability,up to bis-hundred experiment.
- 对于思想问题,无论如何不能用压服的办法,要真正实行“双百”方针。In dealing with ideological problems we must never use coercion but should genuinely carry out the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
- “双百”方针当然要为这个最大利益服务,而决不能反对这个最大利益。The policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom,a hundred schools of thought contend" must,of course,serve this interest;it absolutely must not run counter to it.
- 有些人把“双百”方针理解为鸣放绝对自由,甚至只让错误的东西放,不让马克思主义争。Some people took the "hundred flowers" policy to mean that there was absolute freedom to air any views,or even that only wrong views could be expressed,leaving no room for Marxist arguments.
- 这就把“双百”方针这个无产阶级的马克思主义的方针,歪曲为资产阶级的自由主义的方针了。They were turning the proletarian Marxist policy of the "hundred flowers" into a bourgeois policy of laissez-faire.
- 有些同志对精神污染不闻不问,采取自由主义的态度,甚至认为是生动活泼,是“双百”方针的体现。Some comrades are indifferent to mental pollution,they take a laissez-faire attitude towards it and even consider it something lively and colourful,an embodiment of the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom,a hundred schools of thought contend.
- 在我国目前的情况下,可以说,没有安定团结,就没有一切,包括民主、“双百”方针等等,统统谈不上。Under China's present circumstances,it is clear that without stability and unity we have nothing.In their absence,democracy and the policy of
- 身如枯木,心如死灰