- 单钩双梁行车twin beam overhead crane with single hock
- 防爆双梁行车Twin beam overhead crane with explosion proof device
- 单梁行车mono overhead crane
- 电动单梁行车mono beam overhead crane
- 双梁模型double-beam
- 单梁行车单面木工压刨机One side wood press planer
- 电动双梁桥起重机Two beam crane in bridge type
- 双梁桁架门式起重机double-girder-truss crane
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 夜晚行车不开灯是违章的。It is an offense to drive a car at night without lights.
- 她一双眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Her eyes twinkled with delight.
- 她丢掉了一双长统袜。She has lost a pair of stockings.
- 安全行车safe-running of vehicles
- 双月bimonthly
- 我买了一双结实的靴子。I bought a pair of stout boots.
- (路面上因下雨和行车而形成的)坑洼Rough hole in a road surface made by rain and traffic
- H形梁H beam
- 行车津贴mileage allowance
- 他的双颊红润。His cheeks were ruddy.
- T型梁T beam