- 制动装置阻止机械装置的某一部分的运动的擒纵装置或控制杆A catch or lever that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism.
- 双pair
- 双滚擒纵机构double roller (lever) escapement
- 双联擒纵机构duplex escapement
- 摆轮心轴钟表内的平衡轮的心轴,尤指带有垂直擒纵轮的钟内摆轮心轴The spindle of a balance wheel in a clock or watch, especially such a spindle in a clock with vertical escapement.
- 双销擒纵机构two pin escapement
- 基于虚拟样机的卡摆式擒纵机构调速器动态性能研究Dynamics of Straight- sided Verge Runaway Escapement Based on Virtual Prototype
- 擒纵齿轮escape pinion
- 擒纵escapement
- 半反冲擒纵机构half deal escapement
- 不摆擒纵机dead beat escapement
- 擒纵叉pallet fork
- 擒纵叉托钻endstone for pallet fork
- 擒纵叉下钻bottom pallet jewel
- 擒纵弧escaping arc
- 擒纵机escapement
- 擒纵角escape angle
- 擒纵轮escape wheel
- 擒纵器release catch
- 钟表内的平衡轮的心轴,尤指带有垂直擒纵轮的钟内摆轮心轴the spindle of a balance wheel in a clock or watch,especially such a spindle in a clock with vertical escapement