- 由静脉恒速滴注血药浓度计算双室模型药物动力学参数的微分法Differential method for calculating parameters of bi-compartmental pharmacokinetics based on plasma levels of intravenous infusion
- 双pair
- 双击double-click
- 室模型Compartment model
- 脱盐水双室浮动阳离子交换器以硫酸代替盐酸的再生试验Actification experiment of substituting sulfuric acid for chlorhydric acid in floating cation exchanger of double rooms with desalting water
- 仓室模型compartment model
- 双室袋Dual-chamber bag
- 总室模型whole compartmental model
- 单双室single and double chamber cell
- 小室模型Cell model
- 双室泵push and pull pump
- 库室模型Compartment model
- 双室真空高压气淬炉闸阀壳体的三维弹性有限元应力计算FEM analysis of eleastic stress of gate valve casing of dual-oven high-pressure vacuum gas queching furnace
- 间室模型Compartmental model
- 阳双室床cationic double - chamber bed
- 生态分室模型ecological compartment model
- 双室冰箱two-compartment type refrigerator
- Boyden小室模型Boyden Chamber invasion assay
- 双室培养dual-chamber culture
- 残数法计算单室模型药物血管外多剂量给药的吸收和清除动力学参数Feathering method for processing absorption and elimination rate constants of mono-compartment drugs administered with repeated doses of nonparenteral administration