- 双子座流星雨是由神秘的第3200号小行星“非以颂”产生的。The Geminides originate from mysterious 3200 Phaethon, which is an asteroid.
- 1862年,第一次双子座流星雨突然出现。The first Geminids meteors suddenly appeared in 1862.
- 1996年在没有月亮的暗空中出现了相当强烈的双子座流星雨,观察者因此而兴奋不已。In 1996, the Geminids meteor shower generated fairly intense storms against a dark moon-less sky, which excited most observers.
- 流星雨meteor shower
- 双子座Gemini
- 她属双子座。She was born under Gemini.
- 纠缠现在可以打断持续性魔法了,例如流星雨和暴风雪。Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard.
- 巨蟹星座北半球狮子座和双子座附近的一个星座A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Leo and Gemini.
- 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower.
- 行星流星雨planetary stream
- 双子座:本周提到爱情的时候,你轻浮的态度是你的死穴。Your fickle attitude will be your demise when it comes to love this week.
- 她属双子座.She was born under Gemini.
- 周期性流星雨periodic stream
- 双子座αα Gem
- 狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临,裸眼就可以非常容易地观察到。The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye.
- 双子座ββ Gem
- 流星雨流星shower meteor
- 双子座γγ Gem
- 周期流星雨periodic meteor stream
- 双子座的diplostromatic