- 双向单侧t检验two one-sided t tests
- 让我们来检验一下他的理论。Let us put his theories to the proof.
- 双向有序分类数据的趋势检验Trend test methods for two-way ordinal categorical data
- 双向犁reversible plough
- 这矿石经检验证明含金量高。This ore assays high in gold.
- 这是一条双向交通街道。This is a two-way street.
- 如果检验和复验的结果有出入该怎么办呢?What if the results from the inspection and the reinspection do not coincide with each other?
- 半双向half duplex
- 必须检验的to have to be probated
- 半双向的semiduplex
- 凭证检验Inspection of voucher
- 回应对双向无线电通信信号的反应A response to a transmission made over a two-way radio.
- 检验自己的力量to assay one's strength
- 双向拉长a two-way stretch
- 尸体已被检验。The corpse has been posted.
- 双向免疫扩散double immunodiffusion
- 生丝检验所a silk conditioning house
- 半双向操作half-duplex operation
- 科学家靠实验检验理论。Scientists test out theories by experiment.
- 半双向服务half-duplex service